Had I been endowed with the required talent and skill, an entirely unrelated and actually useful TODO would be to rewrite 🎶 Cantata in.. Rust probably, and GTK. Quite an itch to scratch, as the saying goes. A serious one too! but I won't ever be able to. 😔

So, having begun all this on a whim, without a plan [someone told me ey, you're not building a bridge] or devoted software [no $overkill! I thought.. no $Wordpress (then rather Grav, this ain't no blog), nor $Hugo (then rather Zola), nor $Bootstrap (then rather Tailwind, but then rather Pure.css, or some such)], I left myself a whole lot to do.

And I wanted to learn get lost in Emacs instead, only 20 years late realising how obviously worth it the editor for life could have been. 😐 However much a match made in heaven the task and tool may be, they aren't, right now, for me. Witty internet wisdom be damned, ¿por qué no los dos? doesn't work here. I'm way too close to the beginning of the learning curve, and there is no, or at least absolutely insufficient time for my brain to deal with it all. Besides with Emacs it would quickly become ¿por qué no TODO? – which this already is. 😏

Dalej stąd with Vim, with love – rest in peace. NEED BE DONE be style, content, and scriptiness. Also for the time being I can't but grossly neglect mobile users – who of course turn out to make up literally half of the visitors. 🤦 Did you know it's really a portable 📞 telephone you're using! and this wwwebsite is hyperfull of links — no match made in heaven.

      s c s |         footer
  ✓   s     |         favicon
  ✓     c   |         sitemap
      s     |         squiggles
  !     c   |         metatags some 
      s     |         restyle the megaphone
      s c   |  taal | vertaalde "lang"-tooltips
      s     |         fix cite/q/blockquote mess
      s     |         fix img mess (float; mobile)
!~→   s     |         finish FONTSSS no good enough
!     s     |         <mark>s statt some/veel <span>s
      s c s |         mss dagelijkse ppm near megaphone
      s c s |  taal | np. WP-links op de hunne afgestemd
          s | links | periodically auto-check if not dead
      s c s | links | on-hover life-imitating-art-sources..
      s c s | links | distinguish by (few) sources/intention
 !!   s c   | links | at least distinguish internal/outgoing
      s c s | links | on-hover link previews à la WP somehow?
  ✓   s     |    bg | in any case default al een/ander pattern
      s c s |         tooltip temperatures/images/flags somehow
      s     |    bg | doof.html mss een verbleekte ./img/xr.svg
  !     c   |         tenmínste SSI's voor HTML head/er en footer 
      s c s |    bg | index.html Londer/Rboven een several-GHG-graph 
      s     |         padding/margin/width mobile/desktop (m.in. <img>)
      s c s |         bij megaphone ook (tenminste) een home (opdan menu)
        c   |         hmh; een plan, alleszins al een about/disclaimer/404 en al
      s c   |         fix <span>-misbruik dat quickly-aside ad hoc had moeten blijven
      s c s |         try hand at sexy hopelijk JS-loze image gallery, voor ua for starters
      s c s |          zo'n L/R-GHG-graph ook absoluut een eigen pagina met life/art-markers

(links need properly checking MDN and some)